bg color ACC 2 Logo

“The ACC 2 is a compact 'Analogue CAN Converter', managing up to four analogue channels at 200 Hz each. Now compatible with the Aim Solo 2 DL logger”.

The Compact Aim Analogue CAN Converter

Perfectly shaped to mount anywhere possible

Analogue Channels
+30% Glass Reinforced
Rated Waterproof
Acc 2 with harness

Robust Construction

The Aim Analogue CAN Converter features a rugged construction built to endure harsh conditions, ensuring reliability in demanding environments.

Acc 2

Designed for the demanding environment of rally racing, the ACC 2 typically features a rugged and durable construction to withstand vibrations, impacts, and other challenges encountered during competition.

Four channels split cable

No more signal interruptions – the inclusion of multiple satellite systems ensures continuity, providing uninterrupted data even in challenging conditions. Enjoy a seamless and reliable racing experience with ACC 2.

four chanel split cable

Analogue Sensors

With ACC 2 customers can choose, according to to their needs, among 5 different spilt harnesses. Up to 4 thermocouples or 4 analouge channels 0-5V/0-12V are available.

pair of analogue sensors
pair of analogue sensors
pair of analogue sensors
pair of analogue sensors

"If you can’t explain it simply, you dont understand it well enough.”
Albert Einstein

Utilise Race Studio 3 to manage configurations, access a vast track library, and analyse performance with video support.